Port Carling United Church seeks to live a vision of Justice and Inclusion for all of God’s People. We will worship and celebrate diversity in the world. We will develop a faith-filled community, build relationships, love and serve others and care for the world we live in.
We will expand our vision by challenging attitudes to ageism, gender, race, ability, class, economic status, sexual orientation and gender identity.
We proclaim loudly, “We Are Not Alone”, the circle is wide and growing!
Port Carling United is a fully accessible facility with accessibility parking at the side of the building.
The bright, colourful and cheery sanctuary holds approximately 130 people and has a choir loft for 15 or more.
A large, bright room to enjoy coffee on Sundays and is perfect for dinners, meetings or events. 75 people maximum.
Medium sized, fully equipped kitchen with a dishwasher. The kitchen counter opens into Hanna Hall for serving purposes.
Downstairs is a large room that is used for Sunday School, choir practice, guitar practice and many other functions as needed.
Equipped with two TV’s, a drop down screen/projector and an excellent audio system as well.