Bala and Port Carling United Churches

Our Mission

Our Mission


Bala United strives to welcome, include and celebrate the diversity of God’s people in a safe and nurturing environment. Therefore, our vision is to include as Jesus did, all people into the life, membership, ministry and leadership of our church. We value diversity as it enriches our congregation. Regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, age, race, differing physical or mental abilities and economic positions, each person is a beloved child of God. Our church is committed to pursue social justice and where injustice occurs, we will make our voices heard!


Port Carling United Church seeks to live a vision of Justice and Inclusion for all of God’s People.We will worship and celebrate diversity in the world.  We will develop a faith-filled community, build relationships, love and serve others and care for the world we live in. We will expand our vision by challenging attitudes to ageism, gender, race, ability, class, economic status, sexual orientation and gender identity. We proclaim loudly, “We Are Not Alone”, the circle is wide and growing!

Thanks to the leadership of Rev. Sue Woods and the endorsement of our congregations, Port Carling and Bala United Churches started a journey to become an Affirming Ministry. At two different dates both congregations voted with an overwhelming “YES.”

Together on December 10, 2018, Bala and Port Carling congregations declared with a church service and celebration the love and joy of being an inclusive caring and safe space.

We have reached out to the LGBTQ2S+ community and worked together in having safe activities and look forward to ongoing connections. Our affirming journey continues

What is an Affirming Ministry you might ask?

To become an affirming ministry, our two congregations committed in providing a welcoming environment to everyone. Once we established Affirming Committee and were guided by Affirm United guidelines, we completed an informative learning process and established our vision statements. Both vision statements include our commitment to challenge attitudes towards ageism, gender, race, ability, class, economic status, sexual orientation, and gender identity.